I just came out
1 in the afternoon
on birthday
ima birth this day
ima birth ima birth ima birth
I wasn't alone, fuck it
I have a headache, we can't find our underwear
but who needs it
we're virtually 30
I said fuck it & you smiled pretty face kiss-me-mouth
and then you said happy birthday, molly
nickey says it's weird to cry so much when you're getting madeout with
or when you come
but I think it's more strange
that no one else thinks it's strange
they just kiss tears off a face & don't ask
maybe that's what Poets do
they think in tears & come
so when someone does, its not a shockershocker
or maybe they think I'm tender
or sexy, when is sad sexy? AM I SEXY, NOW???
I got out of the car at 5:23 this morning
& I said fuck it
my birth
I'm soft
touch me leaky
tell me happy birthday
tell me you disgust yourself
tell me you're a disappointment
tell me you're alone
tell me you'll never leave
fuck it, I'm virtually 30
let's just do