11 May 2013

bad news noone

I just got the saddest news
at the yardsale
my dad came by, I was in rollerskates with a little mimosa 
in one of those tia maria cuppies
and I have been good, distracted, happy
bringin in alll that $$$
and I introduced him to Kyle
and Kyle went on & on because it's my dad, finally
so he said, Let's take a pic
and it was pretty dark, 
my dad wasn't into it I don't think
and you can't even see the skates.

he told me that the Stoddard family cabin is going down
torn to the forest floor
that hasn't seen a sun or a grower
since 1932
fucked, gone
ripped off

sometime next week. I was going to go there on my birthday
so I could look out at the lake at night
at the big orange moon on the mountains
waxing toward that
full flower moon
its reflection on glass
because no one's there yet
save for the mansions
and the goose, being just so

I wanna kiss someone everytime I see them
- I just said this aloud
after Kyle told us that he kisses Gray 
whenever they see each other
I said, that's nice, that sounds good
and Kyle said, I'll kiss anyone, it's fun

last summer, we went to the cabin
the vortex at the cabin
in robes, in tyedie
☮ frog
drank in the sun all day
sunscreened one another's noses
when we fell asleep in it
last summer, we thought it necessary
to greet each other with 
kisses, always
and we did, for awhile
but then I guess we all forgot about it.

I grew up & out, there
I lost my orange kitten at the cabin
my cousins & I went door to door
wearing sombreros, captain's hats
and the cabin neighbors would look sadly at us
because there was a tiny kitten in the forest somewhere??
But we found him, 
(his name was Desmond)
beneath a seat in the motorboat
just mew, mew, mewing away

anyway, I wish I could go to you with this
to lament, hey...
we were going to go there
but it'll be deadforest by then
I wish I could tell you, and I could tear
and you could hold me with your voice

  you don't like 
bad news