a dream in which
i had to pull you down by your beard to kiss you
i'm on my toes gasping for kissing
and your mouth is dry like sand tongue
and i scream inside, so i know i'll wake myself up
but i wake up in a small theater
and there's this avantegarde comedy play
and i'm embarassed bc i went to sleep and woke myself with screaming
it was just rude of me
i kept trying to sit on these blanketed seats that weren't mine
and in an effort to make friends, i loaded a bowl
but the others took the bowl outside to smoke without me
i dreamed there was this new interactive blog
like cutlass but with cartoon skies you could go inside of
with little animated planes lying around you
and anything could be posted
it was being updated like every 30 secs
i watched words & sentences fly past me
and of course i was overdoing it
i was doing it like once a minute,
it was becoming annoying for some of you
was it i who said sleeping is fun
well maybe it is bc i just remembered the final part of my dream
there were bigcats on balconies
giant shining gray foxcats
so pretty
and on all of the balconies in this depressing town
now this is what i sleep for