31 December 2014


The new thank you
How to talk about reading
Without talking about actually reading,
The active searching,
Without admitting that I actively searched for the words?
The active searching for response?
How do I boredly respond to yours
That makes not a quiver in me
But just the subtle pang
The good old jesus christ
The, that's all?
How do I even wonder at my reaction to your reaction
The emotionless chill
The chilled emotionless
The chilling emotionlessness.
The phone wants to Autocorrect to
Emotionless ex
Which is a laugh-out-loud slogan
Better a laugh-inside slogan.
Thanks, phone
Thanks, 'net.
Thanks be to god

I am no better than you. I weep at my own words tumbled from my fingers
I weep at the screen with dryer eyes.
This is how we see each other. Through all of this
Just the most least of the worst of the best of the shit. Still nothing less or more than just

28 December 2014

About waiting

I'm waiting in the airport for you.
I went and ate oysters and listened to people read poetry behind a bar and I sat next to the train tracks in the gentle rain and almost said nothing.
I laid down on the chaise lounges in the departures area.
There's jazzy Christmas music playing still.
I feel really excited to see you but I feel empty.
The emptiness I feel is so unrelated to you.
All of the bathrooms have been closed for cleaning for 45 minutes.
I don't know if we will have enough quarters to pay for parking
I liked a lot of heard words today.
I liked the rain near the tracks.
I don't like driving in the rain.
I don't think I will talk to you for at least two more years, if ever.
I don't care if it's a few years or if it's never.
There are only cops here, and me.
I think sometimes we rehearse things and they evaporate when we're faced with the opportunity to go there.
 I guess
  Don't feel sorry for us anymore 

05 December 2014

We don't know when it happens but it happens

Make yourself a pad to be in
I'm reclined
That's not true, I'm upright on the stoop
2:21 am, December 5, 66 degrees Fahrenheit 
The Full Frost Moon in Gemini approaching
Which is haha funny
The full part? The Gemini part
The FROST part
I just got a little shiver there
The wind in the pecan tree
My anger leaving in the fronds of the pecan tree
Repeating the pecan tree for emphasis
I will apologize and I am sorry, I know
I'm on some dumb planet
Orbiting this dumb sun
No signs
No blurry constellation hatching
No frost on these fronds
Just the haha of my fogged-on world
Barefoot on the stoop like summer
Gases consuming around me
My own system of farts

I am sorry!
Who Me in the South
Who Me, bathed in pecans
Ovular orbs
Cascading about
Keeping the moisture out from my meats
So tender

O little triumph of stars
O, the twin
O, my mes. Apologetic Mes.

30 October 2014

Too hard

Watching you from the porch, socks up to my knees
There are kitties up to your joint ends
Kitty smudge
A bigheaded creeper. 
We spend all these times
With our passwords
With a cigarette
With the neighbors in our rooms.
Shut me off
I'm too hard right now

03 August 2014


I was laying in my bed trying to 
sleep and I was thinking about some things that make 
me sad. Im thinking about the time I got 
my heart broken, one knows the time. The one person who I loved and who left, twice. It was a relief to have him again this late night in Tucson over spring, over 7 years later. In the stilldrunk sunlight next morning I was barefoot and my face still reached to his chest, his button clearly still aligning with my nipple. and whoosh! I say it was a relief because I let go and remembered that we are older now, that he doesnot rock my world. But I remember it a lot. Not often But A Lot. Im thinking that I dont know who will care for Ida for the three weeks that I am away. That I dont have plans. Im thinking and I have chestburn and lonely contemporsry future. I wish I was asleep and it was later, I dont know. What I wish.

30 July 2014

dear diary

  I am stoned

29 July 2014

What's goose

Hey it's my first time blogging from my iPhone. Pretty cool! Look at that autocorrect just going apes hit! I'm sitting in front of my job on Dryades St in New Orleans Louisiana, it's about 9:56 pm, I'm drinking a strawberry beer and am about to light up a light blue American Spirit cigarette. I unbuttoned the top button of my first (of 3) denim Cherokee brand skirts, on account of being bloated, on account of having my menses. The sounds of crickets and other southern summerbugs rubbing theirs thighs on winds and wings together about me. I made $54 in tips tonight at my job which is easily 2.5 times the amount of tips I normally make. On account of a group of parent-like people having a really truly great time. They applauded, blew kisses as they left. I was a little jealous, they were out in the backyard eating pAninis and bruschetta and other Italian delicacies, and hey were smiling and laughing and, as one of them put it, having such a blast. There was even a giant fan blowing over them.

I'm being destroyed by mosquitoes, too, and the insides of my ears hurt because I sleep with plugs wedged in there on account of my boyfriend who snores and I who can't sleep with rhythmic body sounds about me. But that's all alright. It's called love, and I've for the moment a livingroom, and a couch in it that I can smother into. I just took a sip of beer and it went down as they say, the wrong pipe. I don't care, the displeasure is nearly gone now. Now just back to the squitoes, smoke in my eye.

It's a classic New Orleans summer night, and I say y'all at least twice a day because it rolls out of a summer mouth! It's all fine by me. 

A man just rode slowly by on his bicycle, wanted to sell me a nice push-button umbrella for $3, he is trying to get him some chicken. I do want a nice push-button umbrella; it hasnt rained on me in 3 days which is highly unusual for a typical summer in the sub-tropics. But I have no way of carrying one. I do wish I had given him the $3, though. And I don't have an umbrella when I need one, of course.

Yes, it's shaping up to be quite the typical late July night in the southern USA.

30 April 2014


bits of mullein in the light
my gentle promiss
persuasion song
it's my last time, roll a louisiana cigarette
some hickory street smoke
something about it
something about me liking
something about me
I'm liking me
the acoustics I'm all about
my environment, you know
my environment

I love Kyle
I love Kayla

but they won't be coming back
last night at 8241 Hickory St, New Orleans

04 April 2014


April 4, 2014

Conventional! I have a witness for volume, the neighborhood roars, the lap lap of the sea, the atlantic, little boise roars, the waves lick my ankles of the sand I'm of the sand. I think

 I'll smoke a cigarette. my name is molly, I am just short of 30, I've fallen in love a number of times, I live in little boise, I'm drinking strawberry beer, chad is cutting isaiah's hair sadly, crying at the lostlocks, daydreamy, cedar oil. I shaved half of my dog, she is flearidden. the era got eerie.

 Or, do you want to celebrate?

I live in a room up top, upstairs people land of balcony people, the haunting neighborhood roar. the roar of wet neighbors and dry neighbors, the land of faraway loveslost, lovelocks, lostloves, lostlocks.

recently I have acquired a weddingdress, of course we mean weddingguestdress, bestdressed weddingguestdress, the first lady would wear it before she was she.

pie slits. let out the steam a bit!

bring it up a bit. competing multitudes


11 March 2014


to be taught
righteous, riotous,
your hand in my sand
my billowing, running sand.
she and her sad of course
to be taut

  your running off on me
your running off onto me.
your run off onto
  you're running, about to.
I have a point
to point to the purposeful.
you're a rock, you're a cane
you're a beet
red pulse-baby, my made hands.
how do you destroy months
how do you tangiblize months
how do you blend
them, yours, mine
how do you make a new calendar from them,
how do you tick days
click lick lick lick swish,

I'm smoking herbs and pot rolled up into a joint, I'm in my room
on hickory st in new orleans, there is a candle, a scene.
mardi m emblem
beautiful lighting
peach curtains in the breeze
songs to get high to
songs to cry or wail to
to drive to
my table.
so another words,
succulent, rememberful
  = sentimental
riesling with berries, bugs
collie in frog position
dangling from the fan
coon tail, lavender crocheted jellyfish (nickey)
pink & brown cabin rugs


if for nothing but the
yours and yours


21 January 2014

the part of my body that fell asleep

a part of my body fell asleep. I'm waiting for you to fall asleep. I take back that it's all the way all the way. you come, we stay awhile. I'm not meaning any of it!
Let's get real!
I made sangria at work, I washed the dishes, I danced and I sang.
I sent text messages, I thought about cigarettes, about my new dresser, about secret love affairs.
I thought about dating
versus not dating
I thought about my white legs in kneesocks
I ate steak with bits of glitter on it.
I do not mind at all eating glitter.
Did you suck up some of its MAGIC? I was asked
I thought, how do you know
I said aloud, It's complicated
with a scoff-aloud
I thought, when is the last time I made anything?
I'm making sauerkraut. but that's not what I mean
I am trying to translate this into meaning
to translate the wine + lemonade into magic
your hiccups into silence.
I think about the days
where we'll walk around the swamps
the sun filtered through
and across the ridged backs
of saw palmettos
feet in the sand
fightless mouths
wordless gestures

these are the objects around me,
these are my surroundments.
the translating winds in me
of course,
only wishes still
no magic

15 January 2014


pretty moon, pretty planet-up-there
I was reading about you, and about
what the earth mothers are thinking of you
and about how this is a time for bringing loving care to myself
to let my emotions
come up like waves
because they're water
and I'm wet.
I am a wetone, always, and
why do I feel so calm & serene? I mean, for me?
Molly Merrill Stoddard?
fucking serene queen

the palm fronds framing it
this mini-moon
guiding those wild dogs out
on their traipses
they got the trots
and so do I!
the drip

I'm calm in my love, there's an understanding in it
an acceptance of it
an abundance of it
 that I'm comfy in
I'm blanketed by how I feel
  is the right way
it's feeeel feeeeeel feeeeeeeeeeel!
    feel away!

14 January 2014

a song for love in the new year

songs with women's names
the number 14
the light of the moon, near full
I avoid it!
 I don't avoid it
I avoid the urge to
my ring slipping round my finger,
  maria        laura        marlene

a train   choos

   10:53 pm, tomorrow
(this time of year, the nights fall longer)
so let your beard grow round your neck
and your torso
and past your new boots
and down my throat

make me toast

        read your fortune!
        little new-year son

I always have liked
the german pronunciation
for marlene

the soft lilt,
the forgiving!
                         (do you remember proclaiming
                           that you'd never love someone
                           that you'd never love someone explaining
                           that you'd never truly love someone
                              who's never caught exclaiming)

  oh, me!

       hello, little new-year babe
        hellow, last smoke of smokes
       hello, pretty whistle
     of pretty, nearby train
        hello, sleeping city-that-won't
                                        the oh-she-won't-quit place

                               dreamy babe,
                              I've never said this to anything
                            I've never been that guy
                              But I wanna die in You

      and, therefore

                      little bell, ring
                                               ring in me
whistle past our bedscapes

11 January 2014

the (sub) tropic of (pre) cancer

woke up in the kitchen  saying how the helld this shit happen oh baby
to practice
the why?

remember the garbage destroyers, the ones
who takes the reproductions you do
of you,  the waste you
think you made enough of

from the black notebook on the table, an open letter:
I am sorry I doomed it on the drive, in the dream, from my body a day after
those little caresses on the 
hairs of (my?) a heart
coming true
giving me yours, make it
I'm glad a glad a

it started pouring down tropical rain 
and I went out into it
and Chad came out, flipping off his slips
and soaked himself in January

January in the Tropics

you deserve your name
invisible limbs
a cloud of verse
make me
make me forget
that I'm my month
 and I'm hunting for my