31 December 2014


The new thank you
How to talk about reading
Without talking about actually reading,
The active searching,
Without admitting that I actively searched for the words?
The active searching for response?
How do I boredly respond to yours
That makes not a quiver in me
But just the subtle pang
The good old jesus christ
The, that's all?
How do I even wonder at my reaction to your reaction
The emotionless chill
The chilled emotionless
The chilling emotionlessness.
The phone wants to Autocorrect to
Emotionless ex
Which is a laugh-out-loud slogan
Better a laugh-inside slogan.
Thanks, phone
Thanks, 'net.
Thanks be to god

I am no better than you. I weep at my own words tumbled from my fingers
I weep at the screen with dryer eyes.
This is how we see each other. Through all of this
Just the most least of the worst of the best of the shit. Still nothing less or more than just