31 December 2014


The new thank you
How to talk about reading
Without talking about actually reading,
The active searching,
Without admitting that I actively searched for the words?
The active searching for response?
How do I boredly respond to yours
That makes not a quiver in me
But just the subtle pang
The good old jesus christ
The, that's all?
How do I even wonder at my reaction to your reaction
The emotionless chill
The chilled emotionless
The chilling emotionlessness.
The phone wants to Autocorrect to
Emotionless ex
Which is a laugh-out-loud slogan
Better a laugh-inside slogan.
Thanks, phone
Thanks, 'net.
Thanks be to god

I am no better than you. I weep at my own words tumbled from my fingers
I weep at the screen with dryer eyes.
This is how we see each other. Through all of this
Just the most least of the worst of the best of the shit. Still nothing less or more than just

28 December 2014

About waiting

I'm waiting in the airport for you.
I went and ate oysters and listened to people read poetry behind a bar and I sat next to the train tracks in the gentle rain and almost said nothing.
I laid down on the chaise lounges in the departures area.
There's jazzy Christmas music playing still.
I feel really excited to see you but I feel empty.
The emptiness I feel is so unrelated to you.
All of the bathrooms have been closed for cleaning for 45 minutes.
I don't know if we will have enough quarters to pay for parking
I liked a lot of heard words today.
I liked the rain near the tracks.
I don't like driving in the rain.
I don't think I will talk to you for at least two more years, if ever.
I don't care if it's a few years or if it's never.
There are only cops here, and me.
I think sometimes we rehearse things and they evaporate when we're faced with the opportunity to go there.
 I guess
  Don't feel sorry for us anymore 

05 December 2014

We don't know when it happens but it happens

Make yourself a pad to be in
I'm reclined
That's not true, I'm upright on the stoop
2:21 am, December 5, 66 degrees Fahrenheit 
The Full Frost Moon in Gemini approaching
Which is haha funny
The full part? The Gemini part
The FROST part
I just got a little shiver there
The wind in the pecan tree
My anger leaving in the fronds of the pecan tree
Repeating the pecan tree for emphasis
I will apologize and I am sorry, I know
I'm on some dumb planet
Orbiting this dumb sun
No signs
No blurry constellation hatching
No frost on these fronds
Just the haha of my fogged-on world
Barefoot on the stoop like summer
Gases consuming around me
My own system of farts

I am sorry!
Who Me in the South
Who Me, bathed in pecans
Ovular orbs
Cascading about
Keeping the moisture out from my meats
So tender

O little triumph of stars
O, the twin
O, my mes. Apologetic Mes.