I'm reclined
That's not true, I'm upright on the stoop
2:21 am, December 5, 66 degrees Fahrenheit
The Full Frost Moon in Gemini approaching
Which is haha funny
The full part? The Gemini part
The FROST part
I just got a little shiver there
The wind in the pecan tree
My anger leaving in the fronds of the pecan tree
Repeating the pecan tree for emphasis
I will apologize and I am sorry, I know
I'm on some dumb planet
Orbiting this dumb sun
No signs
No blurry constellation hatching
No frost on these fronds
Just the haha of my fogged-on world
Barefoot on the stoop like summer
Gases consuming around me
My own system of farts
I am sorry!
Who Me in the South
Who Me, bathed in pecans
Ovular orbs
Cascading about
Keeping the moisture out from my meats
So tender
O little triumph of stars
O, the twin
O, my mes. Apologetic Mes.