pretty moon, pretty planet-up-there
I was reading about you, and about
what the earth mothers are thinking of you
and about how this is a time for bringing loving care to myself
to let my emotions
come up like waves
because they're water
and I'm wet.
I am a wetone, always, and
why do I feel so calm & serene? I mean, for me?
Molly Merrill Stoddard?
fucking serene queen
the palm fronds framing it
this mini-moon
guiding those wild dogs out
on their traipses
they got the trots
and so do I!
the drip
I'm calm in my love, there's an understanding in it
an acceptance of it
an abundance of it
that I'm comfy in
I'm blanketed by how I feel
is the right way
it's feeeel feeeeeel feeeeeeeeeeel!
feel away!