I love this name
it's like velvet
it's like crushing old
it's so labial
it is my mother's mother's name
it's Kyle's mother's mother's name, too
it's the answer to some official security question we have in common
I never met her, Velma Sullivan
she died in her early 40s of lung cancer
my uncle had just joined the mormon church
& he wanted to convert her
in her dying hospitalroom
which pissed her off
and it pissed my mom off, too
my uncle's wife and some of his daughters just recently left the church
the wife left her husband
and probably some of her family, too
which probably fucked up the family band they all played in
no more angelic female vocals
no more angelic female fluting
all that's left is an acoustic guitar and some manly drumming, I'd guess
I don't know if Kyle knows his Velma
but I'm jealous, if he does
but I guess we'll probably have a daughter one day
and we'll name her after them