man, I keep leaving the screendoor open
and all of the fly guys keep coming in
and I yell and swish them around but they don't care
fly guys don't care
don't fucking care
oh man, I just put on a hoodie
and it's like 80 degrees here on the patio of gayulz club
and I'm wearing a fucking sweatshirt, like who AM I?
I told Nickey her blog is fucking so good
in all caps
and she told me I was drunk
and the cool thing is that I got home from work
and there are watermelon beers in the fridge that I've nothing to do with
and I'm drinking them, but am not drunk
but I'm tryin
ok so it was Nickey
she literally just told me
that I need to try
all I do is try
Last summer around Nickey's birthday I wrote a poem in the blue book she made me for my birthday
we were sitting by a pool
I was drinking watermelon beer
and I was melancholy
because I felt very like I was in love with someone
who I knew wouldn't ever be there back with me
So I wrote down something like
Don't cry
Let her die
if the ship has sailed
Bye Bye
and I didn't realize it rhymed, which instantly makes it a poem,?
& it was later abrevved, tried to become my motto
try, die, bye bye
which is not something I ever had to commit to memory
bc my memory has long forever made me a committer to it