09 May 2013

shark chin

look at you go! in my dreams I was in a closet with a screaming close-girl, we were being poked by invisible fingers, but you can't hide from invisible fingers

I'm going to make that life-deposit, now. It's early late enough. The ropes are twisting, shredding, I feel the pull more, gravity more, rope shred

We've picked out our $50,000 wicker porch sets
We cut the collars from our shirts to make room for the real breaths
but we smoke a pack
into the night
because suddenly, it is night
and we've gotten there!

I always use exclamation points, and some people never ever do
I wonder when I will find those of you who do?
in writing & otherwise?
And question marks?? I know we all do from time to time

I want the exclaimers. Dig me out to find them.