thank you for the invitation
I woke up with flowers in my eyes
something happened when I was asleep.
what happens when one is asleep?
all of my millions left me
I was knocked at the knees and
all of the change
is in gutters around.
where are my shoes?
where are my cadillac dreams?
where's my word of today?
I was trying to flirt yesterday
with this miniature bikejock
he asked if the tunamelt was poisonous
I said, Hey guys, mercury is in retrograde right now
so it's left the giant tunas of the world
sucked back up into the atmosphere, right?
I mean, that's what that means
I want to empty out thermometers in you
I want your insides to burn sizzle out
or is that mean?
I had a million bucks yesterday
and I blew it, on a couple of things I wrote down
on a drawing I made.
I felt the soft edge of some bend
I felt me pulling round it.
but dream memory
and reality sad come by
even in my silk vermilion blouse
and the woolen plaid & everyday's tiedye
I am still a solid wish
a wonder
a so very solidly disappointed
I'll break my own record
it's a tedious thing
and what's left
and what's left
but to wonder at disappointment
there's nothing to be done with it
there's no effective