puuff puuff passss
what's the secret
you're trying to tell me a secret
beneath a bridge, in a raincar
finally you're like me, you like me now
I stopped thinking, I had a good braintime and then it turned
into me, just months. let's get this callout! I am a most tender callous girl. I have never been younger.
I talked to my mom, she wants to take everyone to the galapagos islands. she wants me to start thinking of the future, she doesn't want me to get fat. she doesn't want me to be a waitress for the rest of my life. she wants me to treat my illnesses. she wants me to surround myself with interesting people, she wants me to be an Artist. this is partly why we don't talk all that often
I wish I could have told you abt her
before you died, but
you might have been
too concerned with dying
so hear more
for your deadugly ears
a little worm for tunneling
while I was writing this, my mom called
she wants me to get a guestroom
in my mansionhouse
so everyone can visit
and I'm like duh, I will always
try to do that