07 December 2013

stereotype, a song (explicit)

  I'm hysterical
  watch me spin
wash the place,
wash the world
my innards trying
 as women are wont to do
with the ra shon a ble
my wet stuff enticing like
as far as your
 deal   can squish
measure me in that way
ruler me

sorry, to be rude
 sorry, but I'm crying? right
look at me go
swish around
 I'm a heart 
  in a shape
cut off the arteries, the connectors
cookie cutter me
  into dough
masticate me mush

I'm sorry, I became
I behave
 in    that  way


the only genius in the room is   y  o    u
 disimportant  me
wash me
 down the drains of history
histrionic       girl

pull me out
push me
 push my breasts from my body
thumb my nipples from them
scrape it off, 
grate me
 cut me out
slice me, sliver it, silver it
wealth my slit
suck my gold voice
savor it

 drink my words,   betray them
take it upon yourself to translate me
 who could write it better than you.

 name me
stand up for it
   my dear darling,

  I'm for a girl
 all of my ins
  and the bones of me, & marrow
 and my heart

but boy
     as I hang a shameful head,
you've the heart of my brain
  and the brain of my veins